Want Better Skin?
I did too. The picture on the left is 2007. I was sick. Miserable. The picture on the right is 2019. Happy, bright, clear!
Nutrition is at the core of healthy skin.
But good products help too.
Check out the links below to some of my favorite products. And don't hesitate to reach out!
Primally Pure
Primally Pure uses nature's most precious elements to make non-toxic skincare products that support radiant skin, a healthy body + a happy self. When founder Bethany's family spontaneously started a beyond organic livestock farm in Southern California called Primal Pastures, she discovered the power of eating real food and her eyes were opened to a new world of wellness. Bethany subsequently purged her bathroom cabinets of toxic conventional skincare products and began formulating her own replacements with pure, simple ingredients. My favorite products are:
You can get 10% off your first order using "Tiffany" at checkout!
My Secret Weapon
When all else fails, I really do reach for this. Actually, we use this in our house all the time. I originally stumbled across This beautiful single ingredient oil as a way to help improve massive acne scarring, including ice pick scarring. It took months to see any progress, but this oil (combined with a whole lotta nutrition changes) actually helped heal the scars, prevent new cystic acne, and reduce redness. Now we use it for spot treatments, eczema, ant bites, really almost any situation where the skin needs to heal. I really truly do think its' a magic oil! And I've tried other brands, but always found them to be grainy, so this is my personal recommendation: