Just a short and sweet reference post! Fore more about histamine in general, click HERE.
High Histamine Foods:
Alcohol, pickled or canned foods like sauerkraut, matured cheeses, smoked meats (salami, ham, etc), shellfish, beans & pulses (chickpeas, soy, peanuts), nuts (walnuts, cashews), chocolate, vinegar, ready meals, salty snacks or sweets with preservatives
Histamine Liberating Foods (meaning allow histamine to be released):
Most citric fruits, cocoa, nuts, papaya, beans & pulses, tomatoes, wheat germ, additives (benzoate, sulphites, nitrites, glutamate, food dyes)
DAO Enzyme Blocking Foods:
Alcohol, black tea, energy drinks, green tea, mate tea
Where to start if you really want to try elimination:
Avocados, citrus, dry fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, banana, spinach, vinegars, fermented foods (sauerkraut, pickles, olives, anything sitting in a vinegar), cinnamon, curry, nutmeg (fall stuff), and of course alcohol (red wine is highest histamine - if you are drinking wine and your nose is running, it's a histamine reaction)
Expanded list of foods to consider avoiding:
Eggplant, pumpkin, sauerkraut, spinach, tomato, avocado, olives, pickled veggies, citrus fruits, banana, cherry, cranberry, currant, dates, loganberry, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pineapple, prunes, plums, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, non-fresh fish (even frozen and wild caught), shellfish, leftovers, processed or cured meats, raw egg whites, anise, cinnamon, cloves, curry powder, paprika/cayenne, nutmeg, walnuts, cashews, soy, lentils, beans, peanuts, all cheese, all yogurt, all buttermilk, yeast and yeast extract